Tuesday 28 April 2015

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Mum, Dad and Rob visited from Totnes for Dad's birthday and Charlie travelled down on the train. We had a relaxed day with Ruby, birthday lunch and a walk down to Alice Park for an ice cream. The boys enjoyed seeing baby Ruby.

Rob and Char stayed the night and went down to the Bell for some drinks. The next morning I went to Waitrose with Sarah and Jo for coffee, Ruby was really good. Sarah and I did some impulse shopping which was really fun, we got Gorgonzola (YES! YUM!) and Thai Green curry.

We spent the afternoon with Rob and then he met up with his friend Kate.

Saturday Steve and I were both quite tired but we decided to sort out the camper van which we want to sell. Sunday was a nicer day, we walked down into town and did a little shopping and had coffee in Picnic cafe.

A few little pics -

Lovely cards

Looking out the window (she always looks towards the light).

Tired but not tired enough...

Pink little toes (one sock now lost during trip to the doctors).

Dreadful but useful charity shop additional bouncer :-)

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Perfect Angel Baby

I just realised that I need to say - I think I might have the perfect angel baby. I am so lucky she sleeps well at night, sleeps well in the day, is beautiful and smiles (sometimes and without meaning too) at her Mummy. 

Star Baby xx

Oh - And she's going to be announced in The Times!

Week Two - Some social activities

Monday 13th was Steve's first day back at work and Ruby and I just pootled about at home.

On Tuesday Mum came up to visit, she met me in Larkhall at the NCT baby cafe where I met Alison from pregnancy yoga. She was really friendly and I managed to get some advice about feeding (cracked nippled on the right side - ouch!). It was beautiful weather and we walked back up the hill, stopping for a feed in the churchyard.

Mum was really helpful doing lots of housework and socialising with everyone on the street. She has befriended 'Danny' the new baby at no.8 who was also at the babycafe. In the evening we gave Ruby her first bath. She seemed to really enjoy kicking about in the water. She had a good night and Mum never heard her at all. I tend to wake up to feed her before she even wakes up herself!

On Wednesday we waited around all day for the midwife and I felt a bit teary because of the feeding. The midwife was really late but I was really pleased as it was Jane Moss! She gave me lots of advice about Ruby's latch and I felt much better after that.

Garden Time :-)

On Thursday a lovely bouquet of flowers arrived from everyone at the Lodge! I was inspired to go and see them so bundled poor Ruby into the car and off we set. There were not many people there but Sarah and Jo were having a quiet afternoon so I managed to spend some lovely time with them. I felt quite inspired to go back!

On Friday Steve was working at home and we had the health visitor who checked Ruby's hearing. I went for a little walk around the block and past the park. 

On Saturday Steve did BMF and then we walked down to Alice Park for a couple of hours. This was really pleasant and we watched the rugby tots - Steve now wants a baby boy...

Monday 13 April 2015


On Tuesday and Wednesday Chris and Pete visited. They brought cakes and babygros :-). Ruby was really well behaved (i.e. asleep) and allowed everyone to have a lovely cuddle. We managed to get a little bit of a pattern established overnight, Steve has her on his side of the bed in the pram (she likes sleeping here the best) and hands her to me to feed and then he does a nappy change. The midwife said to put a hot water bottle in the pram to make it snugly and we have the heating on a bit to settle her (we are sweltering but it is worth it). 

On Thursday it was a beautiful day and we were feeling good so we walked down to Larkhall cafe for a coffee and then popped into the vets to see Becky and Sandra. Steve really enjoyed pushing the pram :-)

On Friday Mum and Dad visited for the day. Feeding is going well and Ruby was well behaved all day. They took her for a walk along Perfect View and to the Richmond Arms for a drink of lemonade in the afternoon so that I could get a rest. I felt really tired that evening, think things are starting to catch up a bit. Stitches are sore too, have to keep right on top of the pain relief.

Ruby is fattening up :-) she has little chubby cheeks now. The feeding is going well, she has milk dripping all over her face after feeding. So cute. She has the softest head and does lots of cool little facial expressions. I am going to try and photograph them today.

Naked time :-)

Are you sure?

She likes watching the Masters and Daddy is getting into it too. I am a bit sad that Daddy has to go back to work tomorrow.

Easter Monday

Once up on the ward we all had a good family sleep. Steve in his reclining chair and Ruby in her glass cot. We were the first in the ward but were joined by a family who had a Caesarian opposite. Their little boy was called Jasper.

In the morning I managed to have a shower and felt much better. The lovely ladies on the ward helped us with the breastfeeding. Ruby was very sleepy and quite difficult to latch on so Gill did some hand expression and we managed to give Ruby 0.4mls of colostrum in the afternoon.

Mum and Dad (Granny and Grandpa!) came to visit at 2pm for an hour and were absolutely smitten. Then it was time for feeding again. We transferred to Paulton in the evening but I didn't want to stay on my own so Steve picked us up and we went home :-)

That night Ruby was really hungry and refused to be put down so Steve and I had to take it in turns holding her and changing her. We managed to get some sleep with her lying across our chests.

I love this picture!

Thursday 9 April 2015

Birth Story of Ruby Jo

On Thursday 2nd April I had a few twinges in my abdomen but I thought it could possibly be the baby head butting my bladder so I didn't mention this to Steve. The next day was Good Friday so Steve was off work. We walked down into Bath to get some lunch and I told him that I had felt a few pangs. That evening I del restless so we went to see an early showing of 'We're still young' at the Little Cinema and afterwards we had pizza at the Real Italian Pizza Company. When we got home it was quite late and we went to bed.

I couldn't sleep as I still was having intermittent twinges about every 20 - 30 minutes. I lay on my side and breathed through them, visualising 'my happy place' as we had been taught in yoga. At 2am I woke Steve up as the pain was getting quite bad. He was really surprised that I was in labour and really excited. We got up and watched a bit of telly but then we went back to bed. The contractions continued, I was having one about every 10 - 20 minutes but they were quite irregular. This continued through the rest of the night.

On Saturday I phoned the hospital in the morning to cancel my stretch and sweep and to let them know I was in labour. They said to call back later when the contractions became more frequent. Throughout Saturday they continued fairly consistently at 5-7 minutes apart but we didn't reach the magic '3 in 10' to go into hospital. In the evening I became a bit uncertain that we were not making progress but I still felt we were coping well with changing positions, massage, hot baths etc. We decided to go into the hospital to be checked out at 9pm.

We drove to the RUH and were admitted into the triage area. The ward was busy but we were examined by Ellie. She said that we had reached 3 cm dilation but that we had made really good progress as the cervix was full effaced which takes time during a first birth. She offered to admit us but we decided to go home again. Ellie said she expected us to return in the next few hours.

We continued labour at home. I found the birthing ball very useful as well as leaning over the kitchen side. Steve massaged me throughout, I was really surprised at the big difference this made to the pain. I tried to do ten deep breaths throughout a contraction, I found that most of them would take eleven or twelve breaths to get through. I also started to have the sensation of wanting to push. Still the contractions did not get closer. The most intense time was between 1am and 2am but after that it did ease off again.

At 4 am although the contractions were still four minutes apart we decided to go back to the RUH. The pain was becoming very bad and I was getting tired. I felt anxious about needing to push. We were admitted straight away into a delivery room on arrival, the ward was much quieter at this point. We were in room 3 which was a fantastic room with birth pool and brand new labour bed. Donna the midwife gave me gas and air and the contractions continued at the same rate. I was 5 cm dilated.

Aisling was our midwife on Sunday and started at 7.30am. I was still 5cm dilated and so Aisling broke the membranes. I liked the gas and air very much, you have to inhale it as a contraction comes so that it is working during the contraction. I found this useful to have something to concentrate on whilst contracting. I continued the counting and the contractions still required the 11 or 12 deep breaths to pass. At the peak 6/7 I was unable to resist pushing although instinctively felt this was wrong. The baby was lying on the right side which is why I had this sensation. Aisling stayed with us all day. We managed well with the gas and air and the birthing pool.

At 11am I was re-examined and was 9cm dilated. Aisling said that she would examine me again at 1pm and hopefully I would be fully dilated. I kneeled on the labour bed and hung my head and elbows over the back of it. I liked this as it felt like my head was dissociated from my body and made the contractions easier to bear. This was the hardest 2 hours and I was counting the minutes to 1pm when I hoped we could reach second stage. The desire to push was unbearable.

Finally 1pm arrived and Aisling re-examined me. I was still at 9 cm because the baby was not applying the correct pressure to my cervix. Aisling suggested an oxytocin drip would be beneficial to help progress the final centimetre. The idea of the contractions coming even harder after all this time was a low point and it was suggested I have an epidural to which I agreed. I had to endure three contractions whilst we waited for the anaesthetist and this was hard because I knew the pain was now not beneficial to me.

The epidural was given and it was immediate and complete relief. Steve said the difference was like night and day, I was back to my old self and able to chat and smile with the staff. Bizarrely my parents dropped in, they had left Devon because they thought I would deliver soon! The oxytocin drip was then started and I reached 10 cm that afternoon. We tried a few pushes but the baby was not turning and so I agreed to a forceps delivery. We were wheeled into theatre at about 6pm. Sarah and Claire were the two surgeons doing the delivery and the anaesthetist was looking after me. There was a very cheerful atmosphere in theatre and everyone was really encouraging.

The doctors managed to turn the baby and I was told to push. I pushed with everything I had because I really didn't want a Caesarean if possible and within about 8 pushes (2 contractions) I was told the head was out. I was lifted to see the baby's head. I then gave a final push and the baby was born. 'What is it?' everyone was asking as the baby was held up for me to see but I couldn't see because of the cord! 'I don't know, I can't see' and then Wendy the midwife said 'It's a girl' and I was overwhelmed with happiness. After delayed cord clamping she was laid on my chest, she had a good healthy cry and I cried too. Wendy asked 'what will you call her?' and I said 'Ruby'.

Wendy weighed her and then Steve held her whilst I was stitched up and moved into recovery. We had a foreign lady looking after me who chatted away whilst we recovered, I expect I was there for about an hour. Aisling came to say goodbye as it was the end of her shift. Sarah the surgeon was writing up my notes at the computer and I heard her say 'I'm shattered'. I said 'me too' and she looked a bit surprised but then everybody laughed. It was a lovely atmosphere, a wonderful happy surgical team. Hayley the midwife came and helped Ruby feed on my chest. After this we were wheeled up onto the Mary Ward. I have very hazy memories of this time but I do remember doing FaceTime with both my parents and Steve's parents and then I think we all went to sleep.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Waiting for a Baby

Here is a new idea, i'm going to start a blog :-) I like to start new things at the beginning and, as I am 8 days overdue with our first baby this seems like a good beginning to me. 

Here is a picture of the baby at 12 weeks - estimated due date 25th March 2015

And this is how I feel right now (2nd April 2015).

I have been on maternity leave since 27th Feb which is 5 weeks. It has been lovely and I have been mostly drinking coffee, attending NCT and midwife appointments, baking and sleeping. 

I saw the midwife yesterday (Roz not Kim) and she did a S&S but with no effect. I have to go to the Mary Ward on Saturday for another check and then the plan is induction on Monday! Bring it on I say!