Monday 17 August 2015

Friday 31 July 2015


Figured out how to blog on my phone!



After camping in the lakes last weekend with the Doyles, Jessops and Heskeths the house has been a mess. Have been trying to get on top of it every day but failing due to the usual social activities so did an emergency call to Mum last night. She is such a star, hopped on the train and then proceeded to tidy and clean whilst I lounged around with the Rubster. 

She is really growing up all the time, she is strong and healthy and juste wants to be held in a standing or sitting position most of the time, doing some 'wrestling'. She currently doesn't love going to bed but will start out in the cot and has slept a few hours at a time for the last few days. One night tip 4am yay! (When very tired). 

I have had a few awesome giggles from her when lying on my back and playing peekaboo by opening my eyes. She loves it and finds it hilarious. She also loves the baby sensory lady.

Off to Woolacombe static caravan tomorrow... for 10 days blimmin heck...

Nursery Rhymes

Ruby is 9 weeks old now and getting bigger all the time. She weighs about 12 ibs. She is getting into a bit of a routine, we get up between 6 and 8, there is no choice once she has decided it is time :-) Usually this is the best bit of the day, she is really happy and does lots of talking (ooh, aah, eee!) often directed at me, we have lovely conversations, or at the lady on the tv. I usually try to grab a shower and tidy the bedroom, then we wash and dress her. After this a quick feed in front of homes under the hammer and then a nap if possible. Then we potter about or do an activity, at the moment we have baby massage and baby yoga on the go, or a trip to Morrisons or a little walk. In the evening we try to do a nap at 3.30 / 4, usually have a crying session and then a walk along perfect view at 5pm. More awake time and chatting, then bath about 6, feed and then wait for her to crash out, hopefully about 7.30. Sometimes we have more crying sessions. This is the best sleep patch, I give her a dream feed when I go to bed. Next feed is about 11.30, then 1.30, 4-5 ish, and 6-7. She is not a great sleeper yet and we are often up several times a night. It can be annoying when you are so deeply asleep the first and last session but the middle of the night is not so bad. I feel tired in the mornings but I usually get going during the day. She is a sweetie.

I love her little yawns, she does a yawn and then a little grunt, crych. At baby yoga we sing lots of nursery rhymes and do hand movements which amuses her greatly. She loves naked bottom time on the rug. I try to do some garden time too.

Granny has managed to spend lots of time with her, coming to stay whenever Steve has to stay away with work. Mum is so good, doing lots of housework and rocking and walking. Ruby is definitely going to love her lots as she gets bigger. This week Mum bought her the 'ten little fingers and ten little toes' book, Ruby really seems to look at it and she has just started reaching out to touch things.

We had a lovely day at Westonbirt with Nanny and Grandpa Jenner last weekend. The weather was glorious and we walked all round. A very successful day. I wish they could see her more often.

But best of all are the smiles and laughs and the little shouts she does :-) xx

A Beer in Beer

We took our first holiday in Beer as it was not too far away and also close to Totnes. We drove down on the Saturday with only three stops due to Ruby crying. The cottage was really cute and it was a lovely day. Alex and Rob drove over to join us and we met up in the Anchor on Saturday night for a pint. We finished upmwith fish and chips and went to bed. Alex seemed quite perky although Rob was a bit argumentative.

On Sunday it was fathers day and Ruby gave Steve his first card with two small handprints. (What a night,are making that was)! We all walked along the cliff to Branscombe and then had ice creams. On Monday Dad came over to keep me company as Steve was at work and we pottered about. We visited the Hurfords that night, it was great to see the farm althoug Ruby screamed most of the evening. Mary Hurford was so gentle with Ruby and all the family were welcoming. It was great to see Beatrix. Tuesday the dog killed Mary's last remaining duckling, oh dear.

On Wednesday I took Steve on a tour of Sidmouth and showed him Grandmas old house. We had crab sandwiches and a cream tea in Connaught gardens. Ruby loved having her Daddy nearby. It was a lovely week with our baby Rubster :-)